Precious Elder Ministry
ission Statement
St. Hugh’s Precious Elder Ministry seeks to bring hope and healing to the elderly—and our neighbors in the Mountain Communities (and beyond)—with dignity and respect; we will offer compassionate care and encourage a sense of belonging and connection to God and the People of God through Intercessory Prayer, Holy Eucharist, Anointing and Reconciliation. |
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About Precious Elder Ministry at St. Hugh's
About Precious Elder Ministry at St. Hugh's
How do we best communicate with someone living with Alzheimer's/dementia?
With "compassionate communication."
Read our essay, Compassionate Communication
Patricia Horkey, our Nominee for Ordination to the Priesthood in the Episcopal Church, is helping me and our parish develop a ministry to elders, especially those living with Alzheimer's Disease or dementia. Come back often as we construct these pages for your inspiration, refreshment, and information. ~daniel rondeau, vicar